As part of livepro Forums 2024 our annual knowledge management awards celebrate the key achievements of the livepro community across five categories.
These awards are open to everyone, the winners of each award will receive a $200 gift voucher in addition to the prestigious livepro trophy. Final close-off date for nominations will be Friday the 20th of September.
Nominate yourself, a co-worker, or a team!
The livepro Innovation Award recognises a team or individual who has achieved exceptional results by implementing a new or existing livepro feature into their knowledge management system. We will be specifically looking at those who have successfully addressed a significant problem with this feature.
Whether you are nominating for a new feature (e.g. knowledge owners, page containers, embedded knowledge) or an existing feature (e.g. reports dashboard, open access, integrations), we're eager to learn about how everyone has been innovating with these features to solve problems and achieve success at their organisation.
We want to see specific examples of the results that have been achieved, including measurable outcomes and statistics that demonstrate the impact of the feature. (e.g. KPI improvements, engagement results, key achievements, CSAT/NPS scores, ex-gratia reductions, employee surveys, QA results, project results, training reductions, risk reductions. and benefits)
The livepro Knowledge Object Award recognises the team or individual who has authored the best knowledge object within livepro. This award recognises exceptional use of any livepro knowledge object, whether it's a document note, work instruction, hub, announcement, or rocket.
We are looking for knowledge objects that go above and beyond in providing exceptional value to your organisation. This could include knowledge objects that have significantly reduced call handling times, increased engagement, improved customer satisfaction scores, or reduced errors and incidents.
Additionally, the winning knowledge object should be user-friendly, formatted consistently, easily accessible, and regularly maintained to ensure its ongoing relevance and usefulness. Providing concrete examples and metrics to demonstrate the knowledge object's success will strengthen your entry and increase your chances of winning. (e.g. KPI improvements, engagement results, key achievements, CSAT/NPS scores, ex-gratia reductions, employee surveys, QA results, project results, training reductions, risk reductions. and benefits)
The livepro Implementation Award is an award given to an individual or team who has successfully implemented their livepro knowledge management system in their organisation or who has recently implemented livepro successfully to a new team or department.
We want to hear about any project, change, and engagement strategies you utilised to implement livepro including examples on how you planned, authored, communicated, trained and launched livepro to ensure successful adoption. We are specifically looking for those who has demonstrated exceptional skills and expertise in implementing livepro and the journey you went through to ensure it was a success.
In addition, we want to see detailed examples and any results that were achieved after implementing livepro in your team or organisation. Providing concrete examples and metrics will strengthen your entry and increase your chances of winning. (e.g. KPI improvements, engagement results, key achievements, CSAT/NPS scores, ex-gratia reductions, employee surveys, QA results, project results, training reductions, risk reductions. and benefits)
The livepro Ambassador Award is a special recognition for the individual or team who has been the most effective advocate for their livepro knowledge management system.
The ideal nominee for this award is someone who has gone above and beyond in their efforts to champion livepro, whether it be through creating compelling content, leading training sessions, or simply being a knowledgeable and approachable resource for their peers. The Ambassador is someone who is passionate about the value that livepro brings to their organisation, and who is committed to ensuring that others understand and appreciate that value as well.
To win the livepro Ambassador Award, a nominee should be able to demonstrate a track record of successful advocacy for the system, whether that be through measurable improvements in employee productivity, customer service, or other business outcomes. Examples of successful advocacy might include leading the adoption of livepro in a new department or business unit, helping colleagues to overcome obstacles or resistance to the system, or otherwise demonstrating exceptional dedication and commitment to promoting the value of livepro.
The livepro Knowledge Management Results Award is designed to recongise an individual, team, or organisation who has gone above and beyond to drive positive business outcomes and results through the effective use of its livepro knowledge management system.
To win the award, we want to see specific examples of how the nominee/s have used livepro to meet and exceed the goals set by their organisation, including what results have been achieved to improve the organisation's maturity in the knowledge management space. We also want to hear about what strategies have been put in place including any processes and governance models that are used to ensure continued success.
The more key metrics and results included in the nomination will drastically strengthen the entry and increase the chances of winning. (e.g. KPI improvements, engagement results, key achievements, CSAT/NPS scores, ex-gratia reductions, employee surveys, QA results, project results, training reductions, risk reductions. and benefits)